
20 til 40: Moving targets

20 til 40: Moving targets

I guess today is the halfway point of my 40 till 40 countdown. 20 days down, 20 to go. I have completed 11 items on the list and many more are in progress. What I’ve been finding is that I have time either to get stuff done or to write about getting stuff done but not both. Here are the items currently in progress:

12. Paper inbox – just a couple more items then it will be done. This will be a miracle and a once-in-a-lifetime accomplishment.

13. List or giveaway everything in eBay pile. Arg. This one is a huge energy suck but I never want to look at that leaded crystal scotch decanter again as long as i live.

14. Plan bday celebration. It’s now or never as the date is getting closer! Dave and I discussed and think we have a plan in place, just need to execute!

15. Buy a non-nursing bra and throw away nursing bra. First half completed. Haven’t managed to cut all ties with nursing bra yet. I don’t use the word ‘throw away’ lightly. I give away, sell, reuse, make art, (something) out of everything which is why all of this STUFF bogs me way way down. But that darn bra needs to go in the trash. I promise there is no longer any good use for it. So why is it so hard to do?

16. Take all of the poison in my house to the correct place for disposal. When we bought the house there were a bunch of containers of various chemicals including a number of different substances for poisoning plants/animals. I would like to remove all of these from my house together with several defunct smoke detectors and other things that cannot go in the trash. I have collected the box full of substances but haven’t yet delivered to the waste disposal place. I don’t know what happens to them there and I have some discomfort about that but I’m not going to use them and would prefer they no longer live in my home. I also have a bunch of paint samples that I am looking for a home for but for now keeping for possible future DIY projects or to donate to a high school drama department, I don’t know…

17. Made a dentist appointment

18. Almost all ‘art’ is hung

19. Almost finished painting kitchen wall, only door trim remains and that is on the list for tonight

20. Giant stump has been removed from front yard and stones placed to make garden ‘bed’. Technically i think this should be crossed off but i would like to tidy it up a bit more before considering complete

21. Have been eating old food out of the freezer (want to start 40 with an empty freezer)

So lots of progress being made. Still not totally set on all elements of the list. Maybe the last 19 items will be simpler. Though I’m really excited to clear all of these barriers and blockages out of my life before 40. To just push through some of the stagnant energy to be ready for what is next.

Other items that are currently on the list:

22. Complete first round of ‘tidy’ project. Probably too big an item. Maybe will break down to a couple of smaller and completable pieces, but think i’m ok if this doesn’t happen.
23. Finish my photo book about Sawyer (my golden retriever soul mate who went to doggie heaven the year before Maggie was born). I have the photos, I have the text, I just need an hour or two with my big computer to make the book and send it off for printing and big computer lives upstairs where children sleep. This is a surmountable obstacle, just need to prioritize. I want to finish that book.
24. Dermatologist appointment (mole check)
25. Exercise 15 times. Unlikely to meet that metric. May have to adjust. I’m currently at 2 times.
26. Fix chair cushion. 20 minute job. Need to do this.
27. Send bday celebration invites
28. Do something for my dad’s 65th bday
29. Do something for my mom’s 65th bday
30. Choose a 40th bday gift for myself
31. Get a bulletin board or strip for hanging kids art
32. Somehow deal with the fact that all of my shirts have holes in them
33. Decide about/book ticket for IHP reunion in the summer
34. Get a massage
35. Get a facial
36. Finish my coaching presentation (this was something i was supposed to do when I worked with a coach earlier this year and haven’t finished it yet but i think it will be really helpful to do pre-40!)
37. Send the next exercise to my star chart group
38. Go to high tea
39. Then i have a list of folks I want to get in touch with/see but not sure how to handle that for the list
40. Mom opera lady – I’ll explain more if this one happens but may get replaced (this is more just a note to myself!)

So as the days go by the list does evolve but this is the status update for today!

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