Have you ever found yourself wishing that you had more gold stars in your life? At the end of the day, have you ever thought “Heck, I prepared multiple meals for multiple people, filed my taxes, flossed and put all my clothes away. Where the heck are my stars?” Well, I cannot help you with the latter because you are presumably a grownup and we don’t get stars for that stuff anymore. But if you hear the word ‘star chart’ and your ears perk up and you lean forward just the tiniest bit, you might be just the person I’ve been looking for.
About three months ago, I inadvertently developed a star chart for myself that has turned out to have made a fundamental difference in how I (and my whole family) am living my life, and a few folks have indicated that they would like a star chart of their own. So I’m in the process of writing a guide to developing your own chart and I’m looking for a few volunteers to participate in a pilot group.
1. FREE “Make your own grown-up star chart” kit shipped directly to you.
2. 24-hour* access to the creator of “Make your own grown-up star chart” to confer on setting up your own plan.
3. Periodic skype calls with the pilot group to discuss how the chart is working for you and get ideas of ways to use your chart.
4. Probably you will be mentioned in any acknowledgements of any guide/book/etc that I ever write about this project.
5. I might write a song about you, you never know.
6. Early access to a life-changing, exciting new tool that NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD WILL HAVE ACCESS TO, except for other members of the pilot group.
So what are the RESPONSIBILITIES of folks participating in the pilot group?
1. Pilot group members will be asked to periodically take photos of their charts and share with me so I can see how the charts are being used. I will share photos of my chart with all group members but yours will only be seen by me.
2. I will hold Skype calls with the group on Sunday nights (final timing TBD) after 8 PM (EST). I’d like for pilot group members to participate in 1-2 calls (the more, the merrier).
3. Setting up your chart should take VERY LITTLE TIME and the steps of the ‘game’ are implemented over the course of time and also are intended to be relatively simple. But participating folks should intend to keep up with the ‘curriculum’ to the extent possible.
Are there any REQUIREMENTS for members of the pilot group?
The chart is a game/system for two people who are in close to daily contact with one another (it is not a virtual chart – it is a real chart that you hang on the wall). So you need to be either a couple, roommates, or two folks who work in the same office to play (the current version). I would love to have examples of all of these types to try out the system!
When does the magic happen?
I plan to ship the kits once the group is determined (within the next week) and to get initial instructions out to the group in time to begin on April 25th.
To Participate:
Please send an email to starchartpilot@gmail.com including:
Names (both partners)
Contact email (one or both partners)
Mailing address
I haven’t described much about the chart, mostly because my mom has been watching Shark Tank and I don’t have this thing licensed yet. I can tell you what it is not. You won’t get stars for every tedious and oppressive to-do on your current list. You probably won’t get stars for doing the dishes or laundry. You might get stars for buying new underwear, fixing a bicycle or having dinner with friends. Nobody’s star chart will look like anyone else’s. The idea is that the chart can make life feel more fun, more directed, more action-oriented, and more of a team sport. It can help you have more of what you want in your life and help you figure out what that might be. And it turns out that when you spend more time doing what you DO want, you spend less time doing what you don’t want. While it’s a game for two, it is not a competition. It’s about learning about yourself, learning about your partner, supporting each other to have what matters to you both, celebrating progress, taking small steps, and, of course, getting lots and lots of stars.
IF something crazy happens and I get more people interested than I anticipate, I will have to limit the number of people in the pilot group. I can’t promise what will happen in that eventuality but I will try to include as many people as are interested!
I’m really excited about this process and am looking forward to sharing and refining with some of you! And for everyone else, stay tuned for the rollout of the official (and definitely to be renamed) “Make your own grown-up star chart” in a few months time!
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